Current & Past Students: Feeling a Need for
More Support in Your Focusing?

I have noticed two common issues.

Issue #1.

You want to go deep – but you and your partners are still in a learning curve. Not that many students don't jump right in from the get-go! But you want to work right now with particularly gnarly issues. And when you get into especially deep and vulnerable places, you can end up grinding to a halt without an experienced guide who thoroughly knows the territory and how to lead you through it.

Is this your situation?

If it is, I am offering IRF Guided sessions with me that are specially priced for current students. I want you to have the best possible experience while you're learning IRF. To that end, I want to make it as reasonable as I can for you to get what you need. During the course that you are currently enrolled in, you can receive guided Inner Relationship Focusing sessions from me for $65 per session.

Solution to Issue No. 1:
IRF Guided Sessions for Current Students

You are eligible for this special rate:
During the course of the module you are enrolled in


In-person (at my office) or via telephone bridgeline

50 minutes

I take detailed notes on all sessions, which I am happy to e-mail you afterwards.

Telephone sessions are recorded and I will send you an mp3 recording shortly after your session.

Appointment Form - Current Student

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Issue No. 2:

You feel you could be getting more out of your Focusing practice sessions in and out of class. Maybe you feel like you’re not getting as much out of the practice sessions as your classmates are. Or maybe you are getting a lot out of them – but you would like even more!

Is this your situation?

For you, I am offering the Deepening Your Process Practicum. A practicum is much like your weekly between-class sessions. The difference is that you don't simply make an appointment with your partner - the two of you make an appointment with me. (This can also be done with three participants.)

I observe you and your partner, taking detailed notes. We’ll have about 5 minutes available at the beginning of each session in case you would like to tell me certain areas you are particularly interested in reviewing, 20 minutes for each actual session, and about 10 minutes at the end of each session to discuss it.

We discuss the session as soon as it is over. I generally avoid saying much, if anything at all, during your session so you can stay focused on your inner process and not on me.

At the end of your Focusing session we will discuss what worked well and what could use some tweaking. If I feel there are materials that would be helpful to review as Focuser or as Companion, I will point you toward them.

These sessions do not require being currently enrolled in a class. Even Level 4 graduates have found these useful as a way to brush up their skills. You can sign up for as many sessions as you would like at any time, whether currently enrolled in a class or not.

Solution to Issue No. 2:
Deepening Your Process Practicum

You are eligible if:
You are currently studying or have already completed IRF Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 with any IRF Trainer. Both participants need to be in or have completed the same Level.

Fee: $65/person per session
Location: In-person (at my office) or via telephone bridgeline. (Yes – this works beautifully over a telephone bridgeline!
Length: The entire DYPP is approximately 1-1/2 hours for a pair and approximately 2 hours for a triad. This breaks down approximately as follows:

  • An initial 10 minutes determining who is Focuser/Companion, initial questions/settling in, etc.
  • Each Focuser has a 20-minute session
  • 10-15 minute discussion after each Focuser's session
  • 10 minute wrap-up

Further Details:
I take detailed notes on all sessions (via laptop), which I am happy to e-mail you afterwards.

Telephone sessions are recorded, and I send you an mp3 recording shortly after the session.

DYPP Appointment Form

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