Hello! I trust that you clicked on over to this page because you or someone you know has been struggling with the often bewildering tangle of food, weight and body image.
I'm very glad you came.
Over the last year I've been developing a program to deal with this challenge in a Focusing way - that is, a way that recognizes that any issue this deep and tangled holds a tremendous amount of life energy at its core.
Who knows what can happen when that aliveness in you is released and has the opportunity to flow and carry forward into fresh new possibilities?
I'm calling the program What Am I Hungry For? It runs for 16 weeks, giving you the time and space necessary to slow down and delve into these challenging issues in a Focusing way.
I thought it would be a good idea to give you a small taste (free) of what such a group might have to offer if you or someone you care about is struggling around food, weight and body image.
So here it is!
What will we be doing on this call?
In this free taste of What Am I Hungry For?, I will be taking you through a process that will offer you an experience of connecting directly with the life energy at the heart of your specific struggle around food and weight.
To register for this "free taste," simply complete and submit the two-line form below.
Note: Occasionally, someone may use a browser on which the form below does not show up for some reason - if this happens to you, you can access the sign-up form through clicking this link: https://forms.aweber.com/form/50/846667350.htm
Once you submit this form, you will receive an email requesting that you confirm your request to be on the call by clicking a link in the email.
Be sure to click that link, or you will not receive reminders with the teleclass call-in number.
Once you click that confirmation link, you will receive a "welcome" email from me. If you do not receive this email within a few minutes, please contact me at jocelynkahn@gmail.com so I can make sure you're registered.
I would love to have you join me on the call.
Warm regards,
The full program runs from February 18 through June 3 on 16 consecutive Wednesdays. Click here for a full description.
I joined the pilot version of What Am I Hungry For? hoping to get insight and resolve with food issues. I did get this, but I also got an appreciation of how deep and pervasive issues are. It almost seems incredible to think how things drop and release when root issues are lit.
~ Sherri Cook, Butler, NJ